Corporate Records
Goods & Services Provided
Part VI Goods/Services/Funds provided to individuals or groups
1a and 1b. The corporation studies, designs, prototypes and tests integrated closed loop production systems that allow individuals and groups to produce basic goods and services for themselves. These systems are most productive when employed at the level of the neighborhood. The Bee Safe Neighborhood program is designed to help such groups develop a whole ecosystem within the area they reside to allow for food production without the use of pesticides. We also facilitate building deep mulch gardens. The next step will be facilitating the implementation of the food cell technology. In a food cell, green house technology is combined with aquaponics, vermiculture and animal husbandry in a single structure and the byproducts of each process are used as feed stock in the other processes. Food cells can produce protein and fresh vegetables year round and can be sized to fit available space. Maximum efficiency appears to occur when around eight families are involved in construction and operation of the system.
In these projects, the individual or group is expected to cover the cost of the materials and to provide the labor. The corporation provides its expertise and facilitation for projects using general donations and overhead expenses built into the cost. The way we think it will work going forward is that disadvantaged neighborhoods, particularly those located within what are known as food deserts, will qualify for grant funding of the goods and services provided. In those cases an amount can be built in for the corporation's operating costs. In those cases where it will facilitate the neighborhood's adoption of the systems, the corporation could administer the grant funds.
In the case of the Bee Safe Neighborhood program, the corporation provides 1) materials to educate the neighborhood on the effects of poisons on pollinators, 2) swarm traps and bee hives, and 3) technical assistance in building gardens and landscaping that provide a habitat for pollinators and other beneficial insects.
In the case of our deep mulch, drip irrigated gardening program, we provide technical assistance in the construction of gardens that provide a habitat for whole soil ecosystems, eliminating the need to till, weed, or fertilize. These gardens use waste materials to produce nutrients for the community at costs substantially reduced compared to traditional gardening systems.
In the case of our food cell facilities, the corporation provides technical assistance in the design, construction and operation of combined greenhouses, aquaponics, vermiculture and animal husbandry facilitities.
3. Family members and persons having a business relationship with the officers, directors, and contractors of the corporation are eligible to participate in the corporations program in the same manner as unrelated individuals and groups. However, an agreement with a related person would have to be negotiated at arm's length and approved by the board of directors without the participation of the interested parties in accordance with the corporation's conflict of interest policy.