Regenerative Leadership Certification
To spread regenerative practices to more people, we need more leaders to teach and organize in their communities. A certified Regenerative Leader uses the principles of regeneration to design, implement, and document gardening projects with children and newbie gardeners. This certification is great for anyone who wants to get involved in the movement as a leader. Having this certification could help someone get a job or funding for a community garden. Join our community of Regenerative Leaders today!
Regenerative Leadership Program
Process and Criteria
The Regenerative Leadership Certification (RLC) is awarded to people who complete the following:
Complete the Regenerative Leadership Program.
Score 90% or higher on the Concepts of Regenerative Agriculture Quiz.
Do an apprenticeship and complete the Regenerative Leadership Proficiencies Checklist.
Lead or Co-Lead at least 3 regenerative gardening workshops
Have a review session with their mentor and be approved by the Living Systems Institute
The Regenerative Leadership Program consists of watching a documentary such as “Kiss the Ground” that introduces the basics concepts of Regenerative Agriculture. Then several hours are spent going through the Regenerative Project Design process to create a regenerative gardening project and one or more workshops that the participants would lead to complete the project. The workshops are designed for either children or novice gardeners. The participants are taught to recruit people to attend the workshop, lead the workshop, complete the project, and document the process. The participants must help with at least one workshop during the program, which doesn’t have to be the one that they design. The program must take at least 6 hours and must include assessment and feedback time after the workshop. The program must be led by someone approved by the Living Systems Institute.
Apprenticeship and Proficiencies Checklist
The student then signs up with a mentor who is already a certified Regenerative Leader to do an apprenticeship. The mentor will help the apprentice gain proficiency on all of the skills listed in the Regenerative Leadership Proficiencies Checklist. The mentor will supervise the apprentice performing each of the activities on the checklist while designing and leading several workshops. The mentor may use information from trusted third parties if they don’t witness all of the activities. Apprenticeships can last as long as it takes for the mentor to believe that the apprentice is able to meet all of the criteria on the checklist.
Regenerative Gardening Workshops
The apprentice will lead or co-lead at least 3 workshops which must have at least 3 participants other than the leaders. The apprentice should take on each of the roles of teaching, logistics, and documentation at least once. The apprentice shall complete all of the steps of survey, brainstorm, design, test, and analyze and apply feedback after each workshop to improve the next one. The mentor should ensure that all of the proficiencies on the checklist are being exercised as much as possible.
Review Session
After the workshops are complete, the apprentice will sit down with their mentor and receive feedback on how well they fulfilled the proficiencies. If the mentor feels that the apprentice did not demonstrate all of the proficiencies sufficiently, the mentor may ask them to perform another workshop under their supervision. This process continues until the mentor feels that the apprentice is ready to design and lead successful regenerative gardening workshops on their own.
Submission for Certification
Once the mentor feels that the apprentice is ready to organize projects and workshops on their own, they will contact the Living Systems Institute and submit a letter of recommendation, proof of attending the Regenerative Leadership Program, and the signed Regenerative Leadership Proficiencies Checklist. The Living Systems Institute will then send the apprentice a signed certificate.
Mentor-Apprentice Relationship
The mentor and apprentice must agree on working conditions and compensation before beginning work together. A copy of the contract or memorandum of understanding should be provided to the Living Systems Institute. Employment laws should be followed. If the relationship ends for any reason and the apprentice wishes to pursue certification with another mentor, they may request that the Living Systems Institute help them find another mentor, or approach another mentor on their own. Mentors may work together and co-sign on a Regenerative Leadership Proficiencies Checklist if not all training can be done with one mentor.