Consider Living Systems Institute for your next field trip! 

“Testimonial from field trip teacher or something else catchy.”

Several children on a field trip.

What is LSI?

Living Systems Institute (LSI) is a 501c3 nonprofit permaculture homestead and educational site located in Golden, Colorado, across from Applewood Golf Course.

This land has been stewarded by David Braden and his family for generations. In 2013, David founded LSI to promote education about people’s places in the living systems we’re a part of. Since then we have taught several hundred people everything from our deep mulch all organic gardening method to beekeeping to chickens to soil stewardship.


What makes LSI a field trip destination?

  • Large trees and traditional hayfields, preserved for 70+ years

  • Numerous deep mulch garden beds, growing a variety of produce and herbs

  • Full life-cycle chickens operations - we breed, raise, house, and cull chickens year round

  • Operating greenhouse with a passive watering system, growing greens and herbs

  • Wildlife habitat - we have a diversity of birds, garden snakes, insects, and more!

  • We have a combined ~20 years of experience teaching youth concepts of carbon cycling, soil stewardship, “closed loop” gardening, fostering habitat for wildlife, and more!

Passive solar greenhouse.

LSI is perfect for reinforcing studies

  • Earth sciences

  • Permaculture and sustainability

  • Gardening and landscaping

  • Homesteading & “closed loop” production systems

  • Human participation in nature / ecosystems

  • How to contribute to a more sustainable world through local action



We welcome youth ages 5-18, in group sizes of maximum 20.

We are open most days of the week for field trips and can accommodate morning, midday, afternoon, or afterschool programs.

As a nonprofit, we welcome groups with any size budget. In an effort to make field trips accessible and low-cost, our floor price for hosting field trips is $100 per hour.

Parents should sign a waiver acknowledging that this is an operating homestead and there are various hazards present related to that, such as potential exposure to raw manure, insect bites, etc. We carry insurance [but is it the right kind of insurance for this kind of activity?]


Living Systems Institute
14020 W 32nd Avenue
Golden, CO 80401

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