Corporate Records
Meeting Minutes: July 2014
Hello Board Members. I hope you are enjoying your summer.
I have attached a PDF of the 2nd Quarter Income and Expense Statement. I have sold out the Bee Safe Canvassing materials we had ordered and will be ordering about $350 more of those and we can expect to move them at a small profit. There is a meeting in Boulder to which the entire city and county are invited this Wednesday evening. Don and I will be there and we will be taking orders for starter kits. I am waiting for a final revision before placing the order.
I am perplexed that there is not more interest in Food Cells and until we can figure out what is wrong with our messaging perhaps it is best that the county will not let me use my lot. I want to keep looking for a site to build a food cell and one possibility is still the Grange in Broomfield if David Olivero is able to generate enough interest. I also want to build a prototype of the rocket mass heater we designed to go into the stand alone model. I will be checking out the cost to get a pallet of cinder blocks, some sand, the stove pipe and fire brick we will need. I think that expense is in the spirit of the Grow Local Colorado contribution but let me know if you disagree Michael and Dana. We can build it without mortar so that the materials are available when we do get to build a food cell and we will at least know what we are doing for that part.
That leads me to our newest project which I think will require quite a bit of my time at least until I can find someone else to coordinate. I have solicited interested parties through the Denver Permaculture Guild to start a plant propagation program on my lot.
I asked Adam Brock if the Guild would be interested in coordinating but he thought they would not. It is the next step after becoming a bee safe neighborhood that the neighbors begin planting forage for bees. The forest islands that the cooperative will be promoting will offer long term fertility, low maintenance, great beauty, flowers for bees and fruit for people. It is an opportunity to include the participation of many of our friends in changing the way landscaping is done in the metro area.
As always, I welcome your comments, questions, suggestions and objections. Again, I don't think there is anything we have to vote on unless you think use of the Grow Local Funds for the rocket mass heater is inappropriate.
Thanks for improving our habitat,
David Braden